Gramophone needles tins : richly illustrated, overloaded with text or extremely simple, fancy or serious, sometimes even a little ugly but touching, they offer an incredible and exciting diversity. I have been collecting them since 1994 and I now have more than 8000 different tins that I expose at my home, in showcases or in drawers easy to reach, so that tins can be looked at easily. This website allows me to invite you to share this passion. All the tins shown belong to my collection. I have choosen categories to sort the tins : these choices are necessarily subjective.
You will not find here the complete collection because this site is not intended to be a catalog ; my aim is rather to offer a walk in a magical world. Welcome in my collection ! I hope you will appreciate the visit and I am looking forward very much to getting your comments and know your opinion.
Elisabeth Jobin
Latest update : December 30, 2024
Website opening : September 8th, 2013